Sunday, 17 July 2011

Shampoo smuggling

Despite having access to the airline's entire baggage manifesto beforehand, I managed to overlook the fact that luggage in the hold is restricted to 1(one) item per passenger. Every flight I've ever taken has allowed your paltry 23kg of economy-class possessions to be spread across a couple of bags, as long as the total weight limit is not exceeded.

But that's not how the World's Favourite Airline rolls. At the check-in desk I was informed that I would now be dragging one of 2 my cases around with me until departure, as it would have to be taken into the cabin as hand luggage.

This was a little irksome, but the real problem was that when asked, I had indignantly denied that my hand luggage contained any liquids, aerosols, sharp objects or similar means of inflicting terror in the skies. What idiot would pack that kind of stuff in their hand luggage? Now I realised that I had dispatched the wrong case to the hold and was currently headed for security wheeling a suitcase jam-packed with nothing but sprays, perfumes, gels, nail scissors and other forbidden items.

Throwing out my 250 bucks-a-bottle TIGI shampoo and conditioner was simply unthinkable, and the containers were far too bulky to be squeezed into the transparent little sandwich bags demanded by security protocol. The only course of action left was to set my case on the conveyor belt and hope for the best.

After sternly agreeing that indeed I could not take my half-drunk bottle of Evian water with me, the personnel manning the conveyor belt then mystifyingly added it to the pile on the conveyor belt and and sent it through the X-Ray machine. I scooped it up on the other side and walked off swigging it happily, pulling the Bag of Liquid Death behind me.

An auspicious start to the holiday.

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