Thursday, 14 July 2011

8.47am - Irritation factor: 7.8

He's staying with the pork theme, but branching out into pastry for variety.
This morning's repast is a sausage roll, consumed with much slurping, grunting and finger-licking enjoyment.

The sounds are putting me right off my yoghurt.
Additionally, the ambient aroma suggests that there might have been a pre-breakfast vodka pick-me-up. Or two.

breakfast of champions

1 comment:

  1. I am working my way through your blog from the ground up as I wanted to see where it all began. I came across it via I am interrupting my reading to ask you why you have stopped posting articles?? As much as I want you to be happy in your currrent job/workplace, I am finding myself wishing that things will go awry for you so that you keep posting!! You have given me some good laughs today, particularly your comments on 'the wrong man'. I suspect you are Australian given that your co worker is eating a sausage roll at one point. If so, this may be why I immediately identified with your humour. If not, well, I don't care, but if you love your job too much, quit and find something you hate so that you keep posting!
