Saturday 15 October 2011

Sorry, Wales.

It's all my fault. I so wanted them to win in the semi-final against France today. I had just settled down to watch when the Welsh captain got sent off for a dangerous tackle. It all went downhill for Wales after that, and when the French gained a 9-3 lead, I left the lounge in disgust and went off to clean the bathroom.

Naturally, the moment I was up to my elbows in bleach and rubber gloves there was a sudden flurry of cheering and excited commentary from the other room. I ran in to discover that Wales had scored a try. Under my scrutiny though, they were overcome with performance anxiety and failed to convert the try for the extra points that would have put them ahead.

Determined not to miss any more excitement, I stayed glued to the screen which, seemingly, was the direct cause of the Welsh team buggering up three more penalty kicks and losing the game by a single point. Mea culpa! Who shall I jinx with my attention next?

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