Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Ignorance is Bliss.

I've got a fatal weakness for Trivial Pursuits and General Knowledge contests of all kinds, and last night I paid the ultimate price for this weakness.

Spend the evening on a pub bench sandwiched between two decrepit chain-smoking alcoholic degenerates, being alternately pawed, groped, slurred at, covered in a fine spray of saliva from their enthusiastic drunken babbling and steeped in the smoke of a thousand unfiltered Camels? Not so very appealing. But hey, it's a QUIZ NITE.

Sit alone at an empty table in a crowded pub for half an hour waiting for the belated arrival of said alcoholics (vodka-minutes operate on a different time scale to traditional minutes), then promptly have my full glass of (pulpy) orange juice tipped into my lap? Never mind, it's a QUIZ NITE!

The pub was noisy and my companions were hard of hearing and slow of comprehension, loudly repeating any answer I tried to discreetly whisper in a bellow which travelled to the five surrounding tables and beyond. There were also several vicious arguments along the lines of "No, the Louvre is NOT in Germany".

After all this and despite my largely solo efforts, we only came second. I left before the prize plastic beer key rings were awarded, escaping a final round of Irish coffees.

I am done with quizzes.

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