Forgot the First Rule of Supermarket Shopping this morning:
Do not shop under the influence of hunger.
The mind-altering nature of hunger creates a skewed perception of reality in which rational decisions simply cannot be made. I am not actually going to be able to eat a madeira cake, two pork pies, six hot cross buns, four jam doughnuts and a couple of chelsea buns. At least, not before they get stale.
But in my carbohydrate-deprived state they seemed infinitely more appealing than the fruit and vegetables on offer. On unpacking, I have realised that the shopping bags basically contain nothing that isn't made out of dough. The odd sultana in the hot cross buns seems unlikely to provide me with the 5-a-day portion of fruit that the human body apparently requires...
HO and it s work with sadness ? hmm but sad people buy nothing ...or too much... iam lost ... iam gone