Wednesday 16 May 2012

most peculiar

Managed to leave the office before dark tonight, although the current orgy of work shows little sign of abating. On Tuesday we were finally allowed to go home at 10am for a shower and a quick nap, before returning to carry on crafting the presentation until 9pm. Now a new job looms which apparently will require everyone to work over the weekend.

What in the name of Beelzebub is going on here? Every resignee I've ever observed has spent their days surfing the net, leaving early and generally slacking off as they can't be entrusted with any important jobs in their demotivated condition. I'm quite certain that being trapped in a boardroom slaving away all night with only a jar of lollipops for sustenance, then going on to work over the weekend, is not characteristic of the typical notice period.
I think I'm still suffering some sort of attention deficit disorder as a result of losing a vital night's sleep. While I could definitely hear noises coming out of the strategy man's mouth during today's briefing, they refused to resolve themselves into actual words.

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