Tuesday 3 January 2012

Ghetto living

Back at work today, alas. The MAM made the scene (briefly), appearing to have misplaced his razor about five days ago. He then had to go home early due to feeling indisposed. This whole 'new year' thing has passed me by. They all blur into one anyway as you get older. Of course there was the first of the company's 'Hope you all had a refreshing break and are ready for the challenges of 2012' emails. Delete.

Driving up to my house after work I was mildly surprised to see a dishevelled chicken crossing the road in front of my car, accompanied by a couple of the neighbour's semi-clothed children.

It appears that the chicken is not a much-loved family pet, as a few minutes later a representative of the body corporate was to be heard remonstrating with the neighbours about the slaughter of animals on their patio. Apparently this is streng verboten, if you can believe such petty bureaucracy. Tsk.

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